Polímeros inteligentes
Diseño y Estrategías
Palabras clave:
polímeros, polímeros inteligentes, materiales inteligentes
En este artículo de divulgación se pretende resumir de forma asequible la información bibliográfica existente y referente a los polímeros inteligentes y sus últimos avances. Se abarca desde polímeros emisores de luz hasta aquellos sensibles a su entorno, pasando por polímeros autorreparables.
La descarga de datos todavía no está disponible.
Aguilar-López J.L., López-Sánchez J., Villar-Salazar C., Axolotl, letra por letra. Ciencia abril-junio, 78-83 (2013)
Alberts B., Johnson A., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walt P., Chromosomal DNA and Its Packaging in the Chromatin Fiber, In Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. (New York: Garland Science, 2002).
Ameri T., Dennler G., Lungenschmied C., Brabec C., Organic tandem solar cells: A review. Energy & Environmental Science. 2, (2009).
Benavente R.P., La física de los huevos, El Confidencial, (2014).
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Chu P.K., Lu X.P.(Eds.), Low Temperature Plasma Technology: Methods and Applications. CRC Press. (2013).
Dutta P.S., Liotta K. M., Full Spectrum White LEDs of Any Color Temperature with Color Rendering Index Higher Than 90 Using a Single Broad-Band Phosphor. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 7: R3194–R3198 (2018).
Ferrara M., Murat B., Materials that Change Color: Smart Materials and Intelligent Design, Springer, (2014).
Ghosh S.K., Self-healing materials: fundamentals, design strategies, and applications, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. 145 (2008). Gray G.W., Molecular Structure and the Properties of Liquid Crystals. Academic Press (New York 1962). Gustafsson G., Cao Y., Treacy G. M., Klavetter F., Colaneri N., Heeger A. J., Flexible light-emitting diodes made from soluble conducting polymers. Nature 357, 477–479, (1992).
Kolouchova K., Lobaz V., Beneš H., de la Rosa V.R., Babuka D., Švec P., Černoch P., Hruby M., Hoogenboom R., Štěpanek P., Groborz, O. Thermoresponsive properties of polyacrylamides in physiological solutions. Polymer Chemistry 12, 5077–5084 (2021).
Ledesma-Motolinia M., Braibanti M., Rojas-Ochoa L.F., Haro-Perez C., Interplay between internal structure and optical properties of thermosensitive nanogels. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 482, 724-727, (2015).
Mahajan M.S., Gite V.V., Microcapsule-Assisted Smart Coatings In Applications of Encapsulation and Controlled Release, Taylor and Francis, 249, (2019).
Meléndez-Ortiz H.I., Varca H.C., State of the art of smart polymers: from fundamentals to final applications. Polymer Science: research advances, practical applications and educational aspects, 476-487, (2016).
Mills J.B., Hagerman P.J., Origin of the intrinsic rigidity of DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 32, 4055-4059 (2004).
Moncho-Jordá A., Jódar-Reyes A.B., Kanduč M., Germán-Bellod A., López-Romero J.M., Contreras-Cáceres R., Sarabia F., García-Castro M., Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Odriozola G. Scaling Laws in the Diffusive Release of Neutral Cargo from Hollow Hydrogel Nanoparticles: Paclitaxel-Loaded Poly (4-vinylpyridine), ACS nano 14, 15227-15240, (2020).
Nayak S, Gan D, Serpe MJ, Lyon LA. Hollow thermoresponsive microgels. Small. 1, 416-21, (2005).
Nelson J., Polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. Materials Today. 14 (10): 462–470, (2011).
Nguyen D.T., Orgill D.P., Murphy G.T., The Pathophysiologic Basis for Wound Healing and Cutaneous Regeneration. In Biomaterials for Treating Skin Loss. Elsevier, 25–57, (2009).
Odriozola G., Jiménez-Ángeles F., Lozada-Cassou M., Effect of Confinement on the Interaction between Two Like-Charged Rods. Physical Review Letters 97, 018102 (2006).
Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Haro-Pérez C., Odriozola G., Effect of Temperature on the Cononsolvency of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in Aqueous 1-Propanol. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 2961- 2972, (2019).
Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Odriozola G., A coil-to-globule transition capable coarse-grained model for poly (Nisopropylacrylamide). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 17913-17921, (2020).
Radler J.O., Koltover I., Salditt T., Safinya C. R., Structure of DNA-cationic liposome complexes: DNA intercalation in multilamellar membranes in distinct interhelical packing regimes. Science 275, 810 (1997).
Saegusa T., Sada K., Naka A., Nomura R., Saegusa T., Synthesis and redox gelation of disulfide-modified polyoxazoline. Macromolecules 26 (5): 883–87 (1993).
Sigalotti L., Cruz F., Odriozola G., Introducción a la Termodinámica, Alfaomega, (México, 2022).
Staudinger H., Über Polymerisation. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft (A and B Series). 53 (6): 1073–1085, (1920).
Trombino S., Servidio C., Curcio F., & Cassano R., Strategies for Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogel Design in Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics, 11(8), 407, (2019).
Wang K.M., Lorente S., Bejan A., Vascularized networks with two optimized channel sizes. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 (14): 3086–96, (2006).
White S.R., Sottos N.R., Geubelle P.H., Moore J.S., Kessler M.R., Sriram S.R., Brown E.N., Viswanathan S., Autonomic healing of polymer composites. Nature. 409, 794–97 (2001).
Widmann T., Kreuzer L.P., Hohn N., Biesmann L., Wang K., Rinner S., Moulin J.F., Schmid A. J., Hannappel Y., Wrede O., Kuhnhammer M., Hydration and Solvent Exchange Induced Swelling and Deswelling of Homogeneous Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel Thin Films. Langmuir. 35, 16341–16352, (2019).
Ying H., Zhang Y., Cheng J., Dynamic urea bond for the design of reversible and self-healing polymers. Nature Communications, 5, 3218, (2014).
Zhao Y., Chi Y., Hong Y., Li Y., Yang S., Yin J., Twisting for soft intelligent autonomous robot in unstructured environments. PNAS, 119, e2200265119, (2022).
Alberts B., Johnson A., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walt P., Chromosomal DNA and Its Packaging in the Chromatin Fiber, In Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. (New York: Garland Science, 2002).
Ameri T., Dennler G., Lungenschmied C., Brabec C., Organic tandem solar cells: A review. Energy & Environmental Science. 2, (2009).
Benavente R.P., La física de los huevos, El Confidencial, (2014).
Biard, James R. and Pittman Gary, Semiconductor Radiant Diode, US Patent No 3293513, (1962).
Chu P.K., Lu X.P.(Eds.), Low Temperature Plasma Technology: Methods and Applications. CRC Press. (2013).
Dutta P.S., Liotta K. M., Full Spectrum White LEDs of Any Color Temperature with Color Rendering Index Higher Than 90 Using a Single Broad-Band Phosphor. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 7: R3194–R3198 (2018).
Ferrara M., Murat B., Materials that Change Color: Smart Materials and Intelligent Design, Springer, (2014).
Ghosh S.K., Self-healing materials: fundamentals, design strategies, and applications, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. 145 (2008). Gray G.W., Molecular Structure and the Properties of Liquid Crystals. Academic Press (New York 1962). Gustafsson G., Cao Y., Treacy G. M., Klavetter F., Colaneri N., Heeger A. J., Flexible light-emitting diodes made from soluble conducting polymers. Nature 357, 477–479, (1992).
Kolouchova K., Lobaz V., Beneš H., de la Rosa V.R., Babuka D., Švec P., Černoch P., Hruby M., Hoogenboom R., Štěpanek P., Groborz, O. Thermoresponsive properties of polyacrylamides in physiological solutions. Polymer Chemistry 12, 5077–5084 (2021).
Ledesma-Motolinia M., Braibanti M., Rojas-Ochoa L.F., Haro-Perez C., Interplay between internal structure and optical properties of thermosensitive nanogels. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 482, 724-727, (2015).
Mahajan M.S., Gite V.V., Microcapsule-Assisted Smart Coatings In Applications of Encapsulation and Controlled Release, Taylor and Francis, 249, (2019).
Meléndez-Ortiz H.I., Varca H.C., State of the art of smart polymers: from fundamentals to final applications. Polymer Science: research advances, practical applications and educational aspects, 476-487, (2016).
Mills J.B., Hagerman P.J., Origin of the intrinsic rigidity of DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 32, 4055-4059 (2004).
Moncho-Jordá A., Jódar-Reyes A.B., Kanduč M., Germán-Bellod A., López-Romero J.M., Contreras-Cáceres R., Sarabia F., García-Castro M., Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Odriozola G. Scaling Laws in the Diffusive Release of Neutral Cargo from Hollow Hydrogel Nanoparticles: Paclitaxel-Loaded Poly (4-vinylpyridine), ACS nano 14, 15227-15240, (2020).
Nayak S, Gan D, Serpe MJ, Lyon LA. Hollow thermoresponsive microgels. Small. 1, 416-21, (2005).
Nelson J., Polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. Materials Today. 14 (10): 462–470, (2011).
Nguyen D.T., Orgill D.P., Murphy G.T., The Pathophysiologic Basis for Wound Healing and Cutaneous Regeneration. In Biomaterials for Treating Skin Loss. Elsevier, 25–57, (2009).
Odriozola G., Jiménez-Ángeles F., Lozada-Cassou M., Effect of Confinement on the Interaction between Two Like-Charged Rods. Physical Review Letters 97, 018102 (2006).
Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Haro-Pérez C., Odriozola G., Effect of Temperature on the Cononsolvency of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in Aqueous 1-Propanol. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 2961- 2972, (2019).
Pérez-Ramírez H.A., Odriozola G., A coil-to-globule transition capable coarse-grained model for poly (Nisopropylacrylamide). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 17913-17921, (2020).
Radler J.O., Koltover I., Salditt T., Safinya C. R., Structure of DNA-cationic liposome complexes: DNA intercalation in multilamellar membranes in distinct interhelical packing regimes. Science 275, 810 (1997).
Saegusa T., Sada K., Naka A., Nomura R., Saegusa T., Synthesis and redox gelation of disulfide-modified polyoxazoline. Macromolecules 26 (5): 883–87 (1993).
Sigalotti L., Cruz F., Odriozola G., Introducción a la Termodinámica, Alfaomega, (México, 2022).
Staudinger H., Über Polymerisation. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft (A and B Series). 53 (6): 1073–1085, (1920).
Trombino S., Servidio C., Curcio F., & Cassano R., Strategies for Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogel Design in Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics, 11(8), 407, (2019).
Wang K.M., Lorente S., Bejan A., Vascularized networks with two optimized channel sizes. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 (14): 3086–96, (2006).
White S.R., Sottos N.R., Geubelle P.H., Moore J.S., Kessler M.R., Sriram S.R., Brown E.N., Viswanathan S., Autonomic healing of polymer composites. Nature. 409, 794–97 (2001).
Widmann T., Kreuzer L.P., Hohn N., Biesmann L., Wang K., Rinner S., Moulin J.F., Schmid A. J., Hannappel Y., Wrede O., Kuhnhammer M., Hydration and Solvent Exchange Induced Swelling and Deswelling of Homogeneous Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel Thin Films. Langmuir. 35, 16341–16352, (2019).
Ying H., Zhang Y., Cheng J., Dynamic urea bond for the design of reversible and self-healing polymers. Nature Communications, 5, 3218, (2014).
Zhao Y., Chi Y., Hong Y., Li Y., Yang S., Yin J., Twisting for soft intelligent autonomous robot in unstructured environments. PNAS, 119, e2200265119, (2022).

Cómo citar
Haro-Pérez, C., Basurto, E., Vargas, C. A., & Odriozola, G. (2023). Polímeros inteligentes: Diseño y Estrategías. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (131), 22-37. Recuperado a partir de https://contactos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/contactos/article/view/313