Polimorfismos genéticos como predictores de toxicidad tardía inducida por radiación en pacientes con c´ancer de próstata
Genetic polymorphisms are genetic variations found in individuals, that is, their phenotypic differences and / or susceptibilities to certain diseases are 0.1 % variation, while 99.9 % of the DNA sequence of two different individuals it’s the same. Most of the SNPs (single nucleotide genetic polymorphism) have two alleles which are represented by a substitution of one base for another, they are classified as main or ”wild.a llele and rare or mutant allele. Since humans are diploid, an individual can have one of three genotypes: homozygous for the most common allele, heterozygous, or homozygous for the least common allele.
The study of these variations has various applications in the fields of medicine and biotechnology. The objective is to reveal some of the main polymorphisms with greater statistical significance that have been studied and published in high impact articles in the last decade worldwide, related to genitourinary and rectal toxicity in patients with prostate cancer treated with radiation therapy.
Sarah L Kerns, Radiogenomics: using genetics to identify cancer patients at risk for development of adverse effects following radiotherapy, Cancer Discov, 2014 Feb;4(2):155-65.
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