Quick help for older adults using a cell phone app
The possibility of an older adult experiencing a state of alert for an emergency is greater than for other age groups, given the decrease in their bodily or mental faculties. Generally, fast, professional and efficient care is better likely to relieve the situational condition of the person involved. A powerful technological tool available to a large number of people in Mexico is the smart cell phone (smartphone) that uses various operating systems, among the best known and popular is Android, whose features allow the design of new applications in a more friendly way . This work presents the development and implementation of an application that, by pressing a finger on an icon on the screen (touchscreen) of the cell phone, provides the location of the nearest hospitals, contacts the nearest one by telephone and establishes location of the accident suffered by an older adult, which makes it possible to send an ambulance. The purpose of using the proposed application is to make the emergency response time faster.
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