Más allá del modelo argumentativo de Toulmin

  • Eduardo Harada Olivares Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Structure of reasoning or arguments, critical practice, fallacies, argumentative flelds and forums, rational enterprises


The so-called "Toulmin model"has come to be considered as the typical structure of reasoning or argument in real life. It was exposed for the first time in Stephen Toulmin’s book The Uses of Argument, published in 1958. However, since then and, especially, with the appearance of An Introduction to Reasoning (1978 and 1984), written by Toulmin together with Allan Janik and Richard Rieke, has deepened into this structure and all that it supposes and implies: critical practice, fallacies and the different fields and forums for argumentation of rational enterprises such as science, art, ethics, management and law. In this text, a critical presentation of Toulmin’s proposal will be made based on the Spanish translation of the last book, namely, Una introducción al razonamiento (Palestra, 2018). But it will also talk about the differences and similarity between the two editions of this last book and also regarding The Uses of Argument. In general, it will seek to show that Toulmin’s proposal goes far beyond its alleged "model": claim, ground, warrant, backing, modal qualifier, and rebuttal or exception.


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Eemeren, van Frans (2019), Una introducción a la argumentación. Una perspectiva pragmadialéctica. Lima: Palestra Editores.

Harada Olivares, Eduardo (2009), “Aclaraciones sobre el modelo argumentativo de Toulmin”, Contactos, 3era. Época, no. 73, julio-septiembre de 2009, pp. 45-56.

Toulmin, Stephen (1958), The Uses of Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

—– (1978), Introduction to Reasoning. Nueva York: Macmillan.

—– (1984), Introduction to Reasoning. Segunda edición. Nueva York: Macmillan.

—– (2003), The Uses of Argument. Segunda edición. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

—– (2007), Los usos de la argumentación. Barcelona: Ediciones Península.

—– (2018), Los usos de la argumentación. Lima: Palestra Editores.

—– (2018), Introducción al razonamiento. Lima: Palestra Editores.
How to Cite
Harada Olivares, E. (2021). Más allá del modelo argumentativo de Toulmin. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (121), 40-56. Retrieved from https://contactos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/contactos/article/view/139