Análisis situacional por el uso de plaguicidas en unidad agrícola de cultivo de plátano
Due to spills of residues from pesticide mixtures, improper handling of spraying equipment, and lack of protective equipment, workers and inhabitants of agricultural areas are exposed to acute pesticide poisoning. Research reveals that agricultural workers in several countries do not receive training on the safety aspects of pesticide handling and storage. It is important to determine the factors that influence the failure of workers to apply personal safety measures in the handling of pesticides. The aim of this research was to determine the factors that represent a risk to the health of the farmers due to the management of pesticides in the production of the banana crop in the state of Tabasco. To assess the operational process of the use and management of pesticides, a situational analysis was used, also known as Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats diagnosis. It was found that training and awareness strategies aimed at farmers should focus on proper disposal of containers, avoidance of pesticide spills during the preparation of the mixture and on the complete use of personal protective equipment. The information generated will help agricultural and health sector institutions have elements to take action to improve the working conditions of farmers.
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