Carbón mineral y biocarbón: de la revolución industrial a la captura de carbono
Circular economy, fossil fuels, climate change, soil
The current climate crisis, the urgent need to produce healthy food and the pressure to live in a less polluted world has led us to look for alternatives that improve the management of natural resources. Under this context, two types of carbons emerge which, despite having been with us for centuries, could become cornerstones to mitigate the effects of global climate change and recover degraded sites. On the one hand, coal, basic in the production of electrical energy and products such as steel. On the other hand, biochar, a soil amendment that could solve problems such as food security and the capture of carbon dioxide, an aggravating factor of global warming.
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Hester, R.E. y Harrison, R.M. (eds.),Coal in the 21st century. Energy needs, chemicals and environmental controls, Royal Society of Chemistry, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 224 p, 2018.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2014: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 30 p, 2014.
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Lehmann, J. y Joseph, S. (eds.), Biochar for environmental management: science and technology, Earthscan, London, 2009, 416 p. Macías, C., El carbón. El recorrido de los minerales. Comunidad de Madrid, Espa˜na, 2007, pp. 43-59.
Major, J., Biochar for soil quality improvement, climate change mitigation and more. A literature review, 2011. Disponible en: Untersuchungen/BiocharSoilFertility.pdf (fecha de consulta: 29 de noviembre de 2021).
Mazumder, B., Coal science and engineering. Woodhead Publishing India, 2012, 459 p.
Naciones Unidas (ONU). 2021. La COP26 se cierra con un acuerdo climático "de compromiso", pero insuficiente, dice António Guterres. Disponible en: 1499972 (fecha de consulta: 27 de noviembre de 2021).
Nanda, S., Dalai, A.K., Berruti, F. y Kozinski, J.A., Biochar as an Exceptional Bioresource for Energy, Agronomy, Carbon Sequestration, Activated Carbon and Specialty Materials, Waste and Biomass Valorization 7, pp. 201–235, 2016.
Tarbuck, E.J. y Lutgens, F.K., Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la geología física, Pearson Educación S. A., Madrid, 2013, 880 p.
Xiang, L., Liu, S., Ye, S., Yang, H., Song, B., Qin, F., Shen, M., Tan, C., Zeng, G. y Tan, X., Potential hazards of biochar: The negative environmental impacts of biochar applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 420[126611], 2021.
World Coal Institute, The Coal Resource: A Comprehensive Overview of Coal, World Coal Institute, London, 2009, 44 p.
Comisión Nacional para el Uso Eficiente de la Energía (CONUEE), Lista de combustibles 2020 que se considerarán para identificar a los usuarios con un patrón de alto consumo, así como los factores para determinar las equivalencias en términos de barriles equivalentes de petróleo, Disponible en: boletines/SITE/LISTA_DE_COMBUSTI BLES_2020.pdf, (consultado 15 de junio de 2021).
Graziani, P., Economía circular e innovación tecnológica en residuos sólidos: Oportunidades en América Latina, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, 2018, 90 p. Disponible en: 123456789/1247/Economia_circular_e_inn ovacion_tecnologica_en_residuos_solidos_ Oportunidades_en_America_Latina.pdf? sequence=9&isAllowed=y (fecha de consulta: 25 de noviembre de 2021).
Hester, R.E. y Harrison, R.M. (eds.),Coal in the 21st century. Energy needs, chemicals and environmental controls, Royal Society of Chemistry, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 224 p, 2018.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2014: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 30 p, 2014.
Kumar, A., Anand, A. y Kausha, P., Production, activation, and applications of biochar in recent times. Biochar [2], pp. 253–285, 2020. Lehmann, J., A handful of carbon, Nature 447[7141], pp. 143–144, 2007.
Lehmann, J. y Joseph, S. (eds.), Biochar for environmental management: science and technology, Earthscan, London, 2009, 416 p. Macías, C., El carbón. El recorrido de los minerales. Comunidad de Madrid, Espa˜na, 2007, pp. 43-59.
Major, J., Biochar for soil quality improvement, climate change mitigation and more. A literature review, 2011. Disponible en: Untersuchungen/BiocharSoilFertility.pdf (fecha de consulta: 29 de noviembre de 2021).
Mazumder, B., Coal science and engineering. Woodhead Publishing India, 2012, 459 p.
Naciones Unidas (ONU). 2021. La COP26 se cierra con un acuerdo climático "de compromiso", pero insuficiente, dice António Guterres. Disponible en: 1499972 (fecha de consulta: 27 de noviembre de 2021).
Nanda, S., Dalai, A.K., Berruti, F. y Kozinski, J.A., Biochar as an Exceptional Bioresource for Energy, Agronomy, Carbon Sequestration, Activated Carbon and Specialty Materials, Waste and Biomass Valorization 7, pp. 201–235, 2016.
Tarbuck, E.J. y Lutgens, F.K., Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la geología física, Pearson Educación S. A., Madrid, 2013, 880 p.
Xiang, L., Liu, S., Ye, S., Yang, H., Song, B., Qin, F., Shen, M., Tan, C., Zeng, G. y Tan, X., Potential hazards of biochar: The negative environmental impacts of biochar applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 420[126611], 2021.
World Coal Institute, The Coal Resource: A Comprehensive Overview of Coal, World Coal Institute, London, 2009, 44 p.
How to Cite
Chávez-García, E. (2022). Carbón mineral y biocarbón: de la revolución industrial a la captura de carbono. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (123), 15-28. Retrieved from