Importancia de los niveles adecuados de Vitamina D y la depresión en tiempos de pandemia por SARS-CoV-2

  • Jennifer Román Santillan Escuela Superior de Medicina Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • María de la Luz Sevilla González Escuela Superior de Medicina Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: Vitamin D, depression, COVID-19, mental health


The depression and vitamin D deficit currently are health problems that affect Mexican population. The last years, the low levels of vitamin D in blood have been linked to several body alterations, ranging from musculokeletal to neuroendocrine diseases, due to its endocrine-type action and the activation of receptors the located in neuronal tissue which explains the possible association with depressive symptoms according to scientific evidence. During the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health has been altered with the increase in the prevalence of depression, which affects both sexes, all age groups, and social strata. Therefore, both vitamin D deficiency and depressive symptoms have become the target of study for multiple research groups, which seek to find and obtain information that helps prevent the development and/or improve depressive symptoms, with the participation of the vitamin D.


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How to Cite
Román Santillan, J., & Sevilla González , M. de la L. (2022). Importancia de los niveles adecuados de Vitamina D y la depresión en tiempos de pandemia por SARS-CoV-2. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (123), 58-72. Retrieved from