Captación de agua atmosférica sin consumo de energía

  • Jorge E. Arias-Torres Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
  • Marco A. Jacobo-Villa Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
  • Guilibaldo Tolentino-Eslava Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa


Freshwater scarcity is becoming an increasingly critical problem. There are several causes that cause it, which require different solutions. One slope where progress is being made is that of fresh water sources. Conventional sources, lakes and rivers, are used through hydraulic structures. Storage dams have been built for the latter. Underground water bodies are exploited by drilling with specialized machinery that can cover depths of up to thousands of meters. The exploitation of these conventional sources requires considerable investments and high costs for their operation, mainly in energy. Unconventional water sources, seeding of clouds with salts, desalination of seawater or inland waters with high mineral content, transport of ice masses (icebergs), and wastewater treatment, also require considerable investments and high operating costs. mainly due to energy consumption. However, there is a renewable source of water: the moisture contained in the atmosphere. In this article three techniques are outlined to obtain atmospheric water that do not require high investments and that also have a very important characteristic from the economic point of view, and that is that they do not require energy for their operation. They are: collecting rain, extracting water contained in the mist, and collecting dew. It is important to note that this type of source does not generate the volumes of conventional sources, but at a family or community level they can contribute in a relevant way to solving the problem of water availability


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How to Cite
Arias-Torres, J. E., Jacobo-Villa, M. A., & Tolentino-Eslava, G. (2022). Captación de agua atmosférica sin consumo de energía. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, 1(125), 24-34. Retrieved from