Importancia del Neurodesarrollo en la detección de alteraciones motoras durante el primer año de vida, en lactantes a término que cursaron con asfixia perinatal, en el IMSS.
Perinatal asphyxia is a multifactorial pathology, it can be present before, during, or after birth. It may cause in different degrees affections to the newborn’s organs and systems. One of the main complications is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. This complication can put at high risk the newborn´s life and cause sequels in neurodevelopment in middle, or long term. Motor disorders caused by hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy can be detected within the first year of life. In most cases, these alterations disappear after the first year of life apparently without complications. Nevertheless, it has been reported that it can be presented subsequently either as motor, auditory, visual, behavioral disturbances or even a deficit in IQ. These disturbances may affect child´s performance in family, school, or social aspects. Because of this, the opportune detection of motor disturbances and referring these patients to early intervention could improve the prognosis of neurodevelopment of the child with perinatal asphyxia.
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