Aprendizaje basado en juegos para la enseñanza de la Nomenclatura Química Inorgánica

  • Diana E. Rivero Gómez FES-Cuautitlán UNAM. Campo 1. MADEMS (Química). Fisicoquímica
  • Adolfo E. Obaya Valdivia FES-Cuautitlán UNAM. Campo 1. MADEMS (Química). Fisicoquímica
  • Yolanda M. Vargas Rodríguez FES-Cuautitlán UNAM. Campo 1. MADEMS (Química). Fisicoquímica
  • Plinio J. Sosa Fernández Facultad de Química. CU. MADEMS (Química). Química Inorgánica Unidad
  • Suemi Lima Vargas Unidad Académica Profesional de Tlanepantla. UAEM. Edo de México
Keywords: significant learning, High School Level, Chemistry, inorganic chemical nomenclature, binary salt, cube RUBICHEM


In the High School Level, it has been found that during the teaching and learning process of the inorganic chemical nomenclature, students usually memorize and do not acquire significant learning. In this work a proposal of teaching and learning ludic of chemical nomenclature of binary salts is made. The playful material developed consisted of using the Rubik cube, in its standard version, to which stickers with the symbolic representation of various binary salts were placed, as well as the names in traditional nomenclature, stock and IUPAC. This didactic tool was called the RUBICHEM cube. The tool was used in three groups of the upper middle level, where after the class the students solved the RUBICHEM cube. To determine the impact of the playful material, a quantitative evaluation was made, and the results were compared with those of a control group. From this, a higher percentage of correct answers were obtained when the students were asked to write the chemical formula from the name of the compound, which when asked to write the name of the compound from its chemical formula, using the different types of nomenclature.


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How to Cite
Rivero Gómez, D. E., Obaya Valdivia, A. E., Vargas Rodríguez, Y. M., Sosa Fernández, P. J., & Lima Vargas, S. (2024). Aprendizaje basado en juegos para la enseñanza de la Nomenclatura Química Inorgánica. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (134), 26 - 46. Retrieved from https://contactos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/contactos/article/view/411