¿La inteligencia artificial puede contribuir a mejorar la calidad del aire?
Weather forecast, air pollution, low-cost sensors, artificial intelligence
Currently, there are several areas where artificial intelligence (AI) is used. This paper reviews some of the most popular applications of AI in order to reflect on its current impact on society. Subsequently, some historical events that gave rise to the emergence of AI are presented and the structure of the algorithms that AI employs is also shown in general. Finally, we describe the use of some algorithms that are used in the calibration of low-cost sensors (SBC), which allow us to measure atmospheric pollutants with excellent accuracy. This work is oriented to strengthen the air quality monitoring system in Mexico.
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Aix, M. L., Schmitz, S., & Bicout, D. J. (2023). Calibration methodology of lowcost sensors for high-quality monitoring of fine particulate matter. Science of The Total Environment, 889, 164063.
Guo, W., Gao, G., Dai, J., & Sun, Q. (2022). Prediction of lung infection during palliative chemotherapy of lung cancer based on artificial neural network. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 1,pp. 4312117.
Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing and the Turing test. Springer Netherlands, 2009, pp.13-22.
ICCSI. (2024). Empresas que utilizan inteligencia artificial: Cómo están aprovechando esta tecnología. Recuperado el 24 de mayo de 2024, de https://iccsi.com. ar/empresas-que-usen-inteligencia-artificial/? shared=false
Moreno, K., 2024. El Senado de Estados Unidos busca invertir USD 32.000 millones anuales para investigar y regular la IA [WWW Document]. Infobae. URL https://www.infobae. com/estados-unidos/2024/05/17/ el-senado-de-estados-unidos-busca-invertir- usd-32000-millones-anuales-para-investigar- y-regular-la-ia/
Turing, Alan. "Intelligent machinery (1948)."B. Jack Copeland, 2004, pp.395-432.
Wu, H., Zhang, B., Wei, J., Lu, Z., Zhao, M., Liu, W., Bovet, P., Guo, X., Xi, B.,(2022), Short- term effects of exposure to ambient PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 on ischemic and hemor-rhagic stroke incidence in Shandong Province, China. Environ. Res. 212 (Pt C), p.113350.
Guo, W., Gao, G., Dai, J., & Sun, Q. (2022). Prediction of lung infection during palliative chemotherapy of lung cancer based on artificial neural network. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 1,pp. 4312117.
Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing and the Turing test. Springer Netherlands, 2009, pp.13-22.
ICCSI. (2024). Empresas que utilizan inteligencia artificial: Cómo están aprovechando esta tecnología. Recuperado el 24 de mayo de 2024, de https://iccsi.com. ar/empresas-que-usen-inteligencia-artificial/? shared=false
Moreno, K., 2024. El Senado de Estados Unidos busca invertir USD 32.000 millones anuales para investigar y regular la IA [WWW Document]. Infobae. URL https://www.infobae. com/estados-unidos/2024/05/17/ el-senado-de-estados-unidos-busca-invertir- usd-32000-millones-anuales-para-investigar- y-regular-la-ia/
Turing, Alan. "Intelligent machinery (1948)."B. Jack Copeland, 2004, pp.395-432.
Wu, H., Zhang, B., Wei, J., Lu, Z., Zhao, M., Liu, W., Bovet, P., Guo, X., Xi, B.,(2022), Short- term effects of exposure to ambient PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 on ischemic and hemor-rhagic stroke incidence in Shandong Province, China. Environ. Res. 212 (Pt C), p.113350.

How to Cite
Montoya Molina, F., Moreo-Razo, J. A., & Mora-Ramírez, M. A. (2024). ¿La inteligencia artificial puede contribuir a mejorar la calidad del aire?. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (139), 105 - 115. Retrieved from https://contactos.izt.uam.mx/index.php/contactos/article/view/473