Ethical conflict in health protocols, related to sampling and storage

  • Nelson Eduardo Alvarez Licona Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: Body, Autonomy, Ethical conflicts, Access to the Fabrics, Tissue storage


The document deals with the belonging of the body, understood as a thinking body, as the space where the self is built, as a possession that is ourselves, where perception and knowledge are realized, in which the consciousness of being is constructed and the symbolic creativity that is what characterizes the human being. Reflecting on the human body and its parts, in this work it is approached from ethical and legal perspectives, within the framework of autonomy understood as a right to consent or not the conditions in which the separation of the parts of the body and the possibility that you are being used in research. From the fact that the separate body parts are thing, they have owner who are the original disposers, detaching from there, in hierarchical order, the secondary disposers, so that it is required to consent to have access to them. Sorne of the ethical problems presented by health research protocols that are evaluated in the Research Ethics Committees are related to access to tissues and their storage and have to do with: the type of sampling can be authorized for their study, the one that is not possible to contact with the informed consent and the patrimonial use that sorne investigators do with the tissues.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Licona, N. E. (2019). Ethical conflict in health protocols, related to sampling and storage. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (114), 18 - 30. Retrieved from