Consideraciones éticas y valores durante la reanimación cardiopulmonar

  • Neptalí Reyes Bolaños Instituto Polit´écnico Nacional
  • María Zorayda Robles Barrera Hospital general de zona 197 IMSS
  • María de la Luz Sevilla González Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: RCP, medical practice, ethics, values, responsability


The abrupt cessation of breathing and circulation, before 1940 was irreversible, however nowadays with the use of techniques known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) it is possible to supply the functions of the heart and the lungs in order that the patient has a possibility of living again. This emergency, the maximum of any doctor, has a low percentage of success: less than 30 %; but health personnel are often not able to respond in the best way, the doctor has to be reflective and identify what is their level of competence to act, does their medical act achieve the benefit sought? Did you have bad practice? Institutions must also improve their processes and infrastructure in order to attend CPR events; everyone in the health services is a team to be successful. The leader of a resuscitation usually the doctor during the maneuvers of CPR, must consider the dignity of the patient, avoid the therapeutic obstinacy, continue trying procedures in non-recoverable patients; or on the contrary, not initiating CPR when the patient has a possibility of having a return to the spontaneous circulation, justice, beneficence, honesty, and humility must be part of the values in the doctor’s actions. Research is the only way to make progress, it must be very clear about the special condition, which is extremely urgent in this situation, ethics committees have a special task, but must be resolved in the best way to benefit the patients.


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How to Cite
Reyes Bolaños, N., Robles Barrera, M. Z., & Sevilla González , M. de la L. (2021). Consideraciones éticas y valores durante la reanimación cardiopulmonar. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (121), 28-38. Retrieved from

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