Elaboración del Interrogatorio clínico y recomendaciones médicas en lengua náhuatl y su aplicación App
This document shows the mechanism and logics that were used to develop a communicative instrument that facilitates communication between health personnel and the Nahuatl-speaking population that uses health services in Mexico. With this instrument, clinical interviews can be carried out, as well as medical recommendations despite the lack of knowledge of the Nahuatl language and this is possible since the Nahuatl language and Spanish share the same alphabetical system. For its elaboration, knowledge of this language was required, opting for courteous language instead of reverential language, which is more complicated. And for its application, an instrument was developed based onthe use of new technology, so an App application was developed, since all health workers always have a cell phone at hand. This document is based on field research, on clinical interviews carried out by internists, as well as on the clinical experience of the physicians responsible for first-level care, as well as on technological development for its application through an App program.
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