Beneficios del consumo de productos lácteos en la salud
Cow’s milk and its derivatives are staple foods and contain a significant amount of nutrients of high bioavailability. Thanks to the fact that we currently find them in different presentations and for all kinds of needs, there is no impediment for these to be part of the daily diet of people throughout their lives. In addition, they can impart health benefits that no other food can provide on its own. Over the years it has been scientifically proven that the consumption of this type of product has a positive effect on the treatment of some chronic non-transmissible diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and cancer among others. Furthermore, several bioactive components present in dairy improve the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune systems.
However, in recent years the consumption of cow’s milk and dairy products has decreased due to the disclosure of information lacking a scientific basis that supports it, leading to the elimination or restriction of these foods, with negative repercussions for health.
The aim of this article was to review the scientific evidence that has been developed recently on how the consumption of dairy products brings health benefits and thus support the recommendation that these are part of the daily diet at all stages of life.
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