
Proceso cognitivo del arte

  • Liliana García Madrigal Arte y Patrimonio Cultural, UACM, Centro Histórico, CDMX.
  • Axayacatl Morales Guadarrama CI3M, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, UAM Iztapalapa, CDMX.
Keywords: Nneuroaesthetics, functional magnetic resonance imaging, cognition, art


We have understood art as a way of manifesting our presence in the environment, generating an impact on the viewer, which has led us to try to determine what and how an aesthetic appreciation affects our emotions? Neuroaesthetics has sought the biological and neural bases of creativity, beauty and love. Through techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, it has been possible for us to get closer to understanding the neural determinants of the experience of beauty. Thus, considering neurophysiological mechanisms as the nuclear piece that triggers complex mental processes, guides us to understand the emotions generated during the observation of aesthetic work.


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How to Cite
García Madrigal, L., & Morales Guadarrama, A. (2024). Neuroestética: Proceso cognitivo del arte. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (137), 98 - 103. Retrieved from