Fibras Electrohiladas aplicadas en la liberación controlada de fármacos
Electrospinning, controlled release, Curcumin, Caffeine
This work describes the electrospinning technique that gives rise to the formation of fibers made from polylactic acid that were used to dose two different drugs: curcumin and caffeine. The controlled release is studied based on the Krosmayer-Peppas model. It is shown that for both cases the equation coefficient was less than 0.5, indicating that the release of the drug follows the Fick law together with another mechanism that acts simultaneously.
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Cortés-Ortiz, E., Olayo-Valles, R., Rodríguez- Talavera, R., González-Torres, M., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Olayo, R., Godinez- Fernández, R., Uribe-Juárez, O., y Morales-Corona, Juan., Plasma Functionalized Scaffolds of Polyhydroxybutyrate Electrospun Fibers for Pancreatic Beta Cell Cultures, Frontiers in Materials, 8, 600738, 2021.
Flores-Sánchez, M., Islas-Arteaga, N., Esquiliano-Rendon, D., Morales-Corona, Juan., Raya-Rivera, A., Uribe-Juarez, O., Olayo, R., Effect of a plasma synthesized polypyrrole coverage on polylactic acid/ hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, J Biomed Mater Res. 109, pp.1–13., 2021.
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Jiffrin, R., Razak, S., Jamaludin M., Hamzah, A., Mazian, M., Jaya, M., Nasrullah, M., Majrashi, M., Theyab, A., Aldarmahi, A., Awan, Z., Abdel-Daim, M., Azad, A., Electrospun Nanofiber Composites for Drug Delivery: A Review on Current Progresses, Polymers, 14, 3725, 2022.
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Martínez-Hernández, R, Matrices de fibras electrohiladas de ácido poliláctico (pla) como sistemas de liberación controlada: obtención, caracterización y estudios de liberación con cafeína, Tesis para optar por el grado de maestro en ciencias, UAMI 2018.
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Bajpai, A, Sandeep, K., Bhanu, S. y Kankane, S., Responsive polymers in controlled drug delivery, Progress in Polymer Science, 33, pp.105-107, 2008.
Cooley J.F, inventor; no assignee; Apparatus for electrically dispersing fluids, US 692631, 1902
Cortés-Ortiz, E., Olayo-Valles, R., Rodríguez- Talavera, R., González-Torres, M., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Olayo, R., Godinez- Fernández, R., Uribe-Juárez, O., y Morales-Corona, Juan., Plasma Functionalized Scaffolds of Polyhydroxybutyrate Electrospun Fibers for Pancreatic Beta Cell Cultures, Frontiers in Materials, 8, 600738, 2021.
Flores-Sánchez, M., Islas-Arteaga, N., Esquiliano-Rendon, D., Morales-Corona, Juan., Raya-Rivera, A., Uribe-Juarez, O., Olayo, R., Effect of a plasma synthesized polypyrrole coverage on polylactic acid/ hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, J Biomed Mater Res. 109, pp.1–13., 2021.
Fragozo-Pérez, E., Materiales nanoestructurados embebidos en biopolímeros degradables para su uso en ingeniería de tejidos, Tesis para obtener el grado de Maestra en Ciencias (Física), UAMI 2018.
Jiffrin, R., Razak, S., Jamaludin M., Hamzah, A., Mazian, M., Jaya, M., Nasrullah, M., Majrashi, M., Theyab, A., Aldarmahi, A., Awan, Z., Abdel-Daim, M., Azad, A., Electrospun Nanofiber Composites for Drug Delivery: A Review on Current Progresses, Polymers, 14, 3725, 2022.
Luraghi, A., Peri, F., Moroni, L., Electrospinning for drug delivery applications: A review, Journal of Controlled Release, 334, pp. 463–484, 2021.
Martínez-Hernández, R, Matrices de fibras electrohiladas de ácido poliláctico (pla) como sistemas de liberación controlada: obtención, caracterización y estudios de liberación con cafeína, Tesis para optar por el grado de maestro en ciencias, UAMI 2018.
Sáes, V., Hernáez, E., López, L., Liberación controlada de fármacos. Aplicaciones, Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, 4, pp.111-122, 2003.

How to Cite
Alvarez Mejía, A. L., Morales Corona, J., Martínez Hernández, R. C., & Olayo González, R. (2024). Fibras Electrohiladas aplicadas en la liberación controlada de fármacos. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (139), 32 - 40. Retrieved from