Agua purificada en la Alcaldía de Iztapalapa
Water purifiers appeared in the 2000s and have expanded throughout the country, with a much lower price than that offered by transnational corporations, and have taken root considerably, as they have found a niche of opportunity in low-income households, thanks to the new branch of the beverage industry opened by transnationals. They have also successfully contributed to reinforcing the belief of the inadequate quality of drinking water in Mexico, even though they themselves do not sell, in many cases, better quality water. Even though in this purifier the water is treated before being bottled to guarantee its best quality, the conditions with which the water is handled do not ensure that they are the best. Recently, our group has conducted an evaluation of 58 water purifiers of Iztapalapa. As part of our research, we have evaluated the parameters described in the official Mexican standard (NOM- 201. SSA-2915). The main contaminants found were heavy metals, with emphasis on iron and manganese, which are toxic in values higher than the maximum limits allowed by the norm. Two proposals for filters are presented to improve the quality of drinking water. Additionally, the presence of fecal coliforms and microplastics suggests a more advanced purification to avoid health problems for consumers.
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