La Autonomía, condición necesaria para el funcionamiento de los comités de ética en investigación

  • Nelson Eduardo Alvarez Licona Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional
  • María de la Luz Sevilla González Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional
Keywords: Autonomy, Research Ethics Committees, Informed Consent, Justice


The notion of autonomy is a fundamental reference for the functioning of the Research Ethics Committees (CEI), which is built from the idea and the right that people have regarding their body and their functions, which is carried out in the space of the intimacy in which dignity is built where offenses and gratifications occur, hence the same phenomenon can mean differently to the different people who perceive it and even to the same subject in deferent contexts. It is for this reason that the manifest will is required through informed consent so that the subjects accept to participate in health research, since on our body nobody without our will, which is the foundation of the autonomy, understood for its implementation as a right that it is established in the legislation and protected by the RECs, since that is its function; The autonomy of these committees has a direct impact on the opinions they issue and the follow-up they must carry out, which should only be based on ethical considerations, on a commitment based on justice.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Licona, N. E., & Sevilla González, M. de la L. (2020). La Autonomía, condición necesaria para el funcionamiento de los comités de ética en investigación. Contactos, Revista De Educación En Ciencias E Ingeniería, (117), 44-56. Retrieved from